Hi, I'm Suzanne...

When I was in high school, we got to design our senior page for the annual yearbook. I chose to quote lines from a James Taylor song “Moving in silent desperation, keeping an eye on the holy land. A hypothetical destination. Say who is this walking man?” In hindsight, I guess it was pretty somber for a high-schooler!
Perhaps I was emo before emo was emo—but I chose it because I loved the music, and I felt a real connection to the soulful ponderings in his lyrics. Because my parents were dying of cancer at the time, I didn’t share the carefree sensibility of my peers, however, I did have a sense of the wide-open world ahead of me. I held hope for exploring my potential and living out my own experiences of those big philosophical questions.
I went on to graduate with a degree in Psychology from Duke University, and then became an actress in New York, the Midwest, and finally in Los Angeles. I co-founded a theater company there and started to get some traction in television and film. Then, I fell in love, soon had kids, and set aside my career aspirations. Family took precedence. I’d always believed that, and lived it with no regrets.
Long story short—my marriage that seemed to start out like a fairy tale, slowly disintegrated, and then finished in a final crescendo of awfulness. The last few years would qualify for tabloid fodder, and I lived in a seemingly inescapable web of emotional pain. That old James Taylor song seemed like a soundtrack as I walked through the motions of living. My sense of hope looped smaller and smaller.
By the time I filed for divorce, I was worn thin from trying so hard to do it all right for everyone around me. The monologue in my head alternated between the voice of my ex during his most cruel moments, and my own task-master-perfectionist that had always garnered success by pushing me harder to “be good.” I was exhausted, massively insecure, felt lost, powerless, and profoundly sad—and I had young two kids to raise.
With the devastation, I gained clarity and commitment. The only way out of the mess was through. Old models of what was “good” had gotten me exactly where I was. If I wanted a different existence, I needed new ways of thinking and behaving.
I took on the challenge as if my life depended on it – because it did. With diligent work and plenty of help from coaches and mentors, I stepped up --with tiny steps at first, took actions, and began to write a new life story going forward.
From the inside out, I am happier and stronger than ever before. My life is productive, fulfilling, and rich in countless ways: a great family, gratifying work, and plenty of fun!
This is where you come in. Part of recovering my own life, my voice, and my passion for living has involved the commitment to help others— to feel a sense of possibility, freedom, and… a wee bit of feistiness (or a lot, if that’s what you’re looking for!)
I love to support people through: a challenging transition, past a creative dry spell, achievement of a work or personal goal, the puzzle of a confusing dynamic, or walk from a state of silent desperation to flourish again.
Are you ready to shed the past and write a new future for yourself? A future of delight, creativity, possibility, joy, and success as you define it??
Is it time to manifest that new career, new relationship, or new commitment? Are you living your life with proactive intention?
Want to laugh along the way? (My sessions are often full of levity.)
Waiting gets you nowhere but waiting. I encourage you to take a step for yourself. You will be so glad you did. Once you’re feeling free, feisty and joyful, you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner!
I’m here to help. To help you be your BEST YOU. Find your freedom and your feisty!
Watch Suzanne Speak on the recent “Emotional Abuse Recovery and Resilience Summit”
Credentials: BS Psychology, Duke University, ICF Certified, Certified Master Oasis Trainer, Narrative Core Coach Practitioner, Reiki Level II, Somatic Experiencing –Level 1, Published Writer and Poet